16. The Journey to Security Solutions, Behavior Detection, and Threat Mitigation with Expert Michael Rozin

Experiencing discrimination is never pleasant. But, you can control how you respond to negative experiences. This week’s guest shows us that negative experiences don’t need to dictate your life’s trajectory. Instead, they can serve as springboards to bigger and better opportunities. 

In this episode, Michael Rozin joins us to share his life’s journey and what led him to become an expert in security solutions. There was no shortage to the discrimination and hardships he experienced as he moved from one country to another. However, he didn't let that stop him. Michael shares how he, a Jewish child in Belarus, became a behavior detection and security solutions expert. Finally, he details how Rozin Technologies impacts government and private institutions across the globe.

Join us to hear about a life of adapting to changes instead of fearing them. 

3 reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Absorb the lessons that Michael learned as he moved from one country to another. 

  2. Discover what contributed to Michael’s expertise in security solutions, behavior detection, and threat mitigation.

  3. Understand what it means to be adaptable to change and open to new possibilities.


Episode Highlights

[02:43] How Michael Became a Behavior Detection and Security Solutions Expert

  • Before coming to the United States, Michael lived in Israel. 

  • His last job in Israel was as a security agent with the Israel Security Agency, Shin Bet. 

  • This training shaped him into an expert in security solutions, behavior detection, and threat detection and mitigation. 

[04:04] The SIRA Program

  • The program is called SIRA, which stands for Suspicion, Indicators, Recognition, Assessment. 

  • Michael and his team poured their hearts out in developing it. 

  • Tune in to the full episode to hear about some notable clients Michael’s team has worked with!

[07:40] Reading Behavior Patterns Since Childhood

  • Michael grew up as a Jewish kid in Belarus, where Jews experience a lot of discrimination.

  • He saw the hardships his mom went through just because she’s Jewish, but he couldn’t do anything about it. 

  • Michael was also a victim of bullying in school. As early as first grade, he would get into fights.

  • He learned to read people’s behavior to determine who would bully him next so that he could defend himself. This experience was Michael’s first attempt at behavior detection.

[15:08] Michael’s Life as a Jew

  • Michael is not a religious person. He identifies himself as a Jew in terms of ethnicity, not religion. 

  • He did not feel welcome when he was in Belarus. However, when he moved to Israel, his healing process started. 

  • Michael didn't need to hide being a Jew when he got there. His scars and trauma from the past have not gone away completely, but he now feels freer.

[20:33] The Absence Of A Father Figure

  • Michael’s father came from a family of high-ranking officials in the military. By the time he was born, his parents' marriage fell apart. He didn't have a father figure growing up.

  • When he turned 15, Michael flew to Russia to meet his father. 

  • After that meeting, his father remained absent in Michael’s life.

  • To this day, Michael still hasn’t moved on from the broken relationship he has with his father. 

  • Michael treats his father as an example of what not to be as a parent.

Michael: “I think the choice when it comes to my father that I made is to try to be a better father.”

[26:31] Life in Bulgaria

  • Michael moved to Bulgaria with his family right when the Soviet Union was collapsing. And so, Bulgaria’s economy was experiencing inflation.

  • Even if his mother and stepfather had jobs, they had difficulty paying for the family’s living expenses.

  • Michael decided to get a job when he turned 14 because he wanted more spending money. He started as a sales agent for a food distribution company.

  • A year or so later, Michael started his own food distribution business. He was making money, but he wasn’t saving up for the future. 

  • Big companies copied what Michael was selling and lowered their prices. Eventually, Michael went out of business. 

[37:05] Starting a New Life in the US

  • Michael currently resides in the US. Since he was happy in Israel, he never imagined that he'd end up in the United States.

  • Michael moved to the US because of his wife. When they started dating, it was clear that his wife would not spend the rest of her life in Israel. 

  • Upon arriving in the US, Michael had to learn English. He also landed a job at a construction site without any experience.

Michael: “The freedom that we have in the United States is a true privilege.”

[41:07] Being Welcome in the US

  • Michael moves to a different country every 8-10 years. He had had to adapt to the country’s language, culture, and economy. 

  • He thinks that moving into the US felt easy because of his experiences. All Michael had to do was apply what he had learned from all his travels. 

  • Michael feels most at home living in the US. He has the freedom to move in whatever direction he wants. 

Michael: “Being free, and the ability to go into whatever directions you want to go and do well, and make a difference is what makes you feel most at home at the end of the day.”

[45:17] Michael’s New Company: Rozin Technologies

  • Rozin Security started with just three departments. These are security solutions, threat mitigation, and behavior detection.

  • He believes that security solutions are critical in the first stage of preventing subjects from causing harm.

  • From behavior detection problems, they developed their newest product called TIPS (Threat Inspection Protection System). It is an application and software where you can report or view surveillance systems of your institution.

  • Their product has built-in AI and smart algorithms to identify trends in real-time. Tune in to the full episode to learn more about how organizations are using Rozin Technologies! 

About Michael 

Michael Rozin is a teacher, speaker, and expert in security solutions and behavior detection. He served as a security agent when he was living in Israel and received an excellence award in the agency he was working for at the time.

In 2010, he became a Special Operations Security Captain in the Mall of America. He developed various programs and managed a behavior detection unit. Many institutions have since studied and implemented Michael's initiatives to this day. 

He founded Rozin Security along with his wife, Kathryn Rozin. They advocate and teach expert strategies on security solutions, threat mitigation, and behavior detection. 

If you want to connect with Michael, you can visit Rozin Security and Rozin Technologies.

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17. How I Changed From Being A Problem To A Pastor With Kevin Haggerty


15. How I Turned From Criminologist To Mindfulness Coach With Dr. Ross Deuchar