40. How to Overcome and Adapt to Life in a Wheelchair with Isaac Harvey

In life, we inevitably go through some challenges. These challenges, whether welcome or not, can help us grow into stronger individuals. However, what if life decides to challenge you right from the start? Will grit and determination be enough to overcome and adapt to it? Is giving up the only option for difficulties we must deal with the moment we are born?

Joining us on today’s episode is Isaac Harvey, the president of Wheels and Wheelchairs. He shares how it is like to overcome and adapt, living as a person with a disability. He talks about the various obstacles he had to face as someone who was born disabled. Isaac also sheds light on his experience living in a wheelchair and translating this into his work. He also shares some usual assumptions that people make because of his disability. Finally, Isaac looks back on the things he has been through and how he has successfully proved people wrong.

Tune in to this episode and grasp how you can overcome and adapt to even the most formidable challenges through perseverance and the right mindset.

3 reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Learn about disabilities and break some myths about disabled people.

  2. Find out how perseverance and understanding your worth can help you overcome and adapt to adversity.

  3. Get inspired by Isaac’s story and know that even disabilities are not enough to stop you from achieving your dreams.


●       Connect with Isaac: Instagram | LinkedIn

●       Wheels and Wheelchairs: Website | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | TikTok

●       Episode 18: How I Found Redemption When Incarcerated for Murder with Lester Young

●       Sign up for Simon’s newsletter and stay connected!

Episode Highlights

[03:10] Isaac’s Medical Conditions

●       Isaac was born with limb/pelvis-hypoplasia/aplasia syndrome, a medical condition wherein he has short legs and no arms.

●       He also has scoliosis, which is the sideways curvature of the spine.

[03:50] How Isaac Spends His Time

●       Isaac loves doing adventurous things, such as skydiving, skiing, and tall ship sailing.

●       He is the president of the Wheels and Wheelchairs organization. It is a nonprofit community of roller skaters and wheelchair users.

●       The group makes trips to different parts of the United Kingdom, including Brighton and Bristol. They have also skated in Paris.

●       Isaac is a creative. He works as a video editor and peer facilitator for One Place East, a charity for people with disabilities and mental health conditions.

[05:44] Isaac’s Origin and Upbringing

●       Isaac was fostered by a mother from Wales and a father from Trinidad.

●       To his knowledge, his birth family found it difficult to overcome and adapt to raising him because of their occupation. So they put him up for adoption.

●       What his birth parents did never really affected Isaac.

●       He is just grateful to have found a foster family that was very loving and supportive of him. The course of his life led him to where he is now.

[08:51] Living His Life in a Wheelchair

●       Isaac went to school relying on learning-support assistants who would help him.

●       Isaac was bullied once when he was young, and he felt disoriented during the whole episode.

●       But for the most part, his classmates and friends were supportive. So he feels that his life had good experiences overall.

Isaac: “I feel that with everything, there’s two ways of looking at things. For example, if it’s raining outside, you can either see it as a horrible day, or you can see it as something which is good for the plants. So it’s all about perception.”

[11:54] Being Black and Disabled

●       Rather than his skin color, others discriminate against Isaac for his disability more. His disability has always been his biggest barrier.

●       Isaac shares how he thinks biases may be developed from bad experiences. Tune in to the full episode to hear Simon and Isaac’s discussion on biases!

●       Isaac’s main focus has always been about showing people that you can do anything and overcome and adapt with or without disability.

[17:34] Having the Proper Mindset to Overcome and Adapt to Obstacles

●       Isaac faces difficulties in his everyday life.

●       Sometimes, bus ramps break down or drivers deliberately won’t bring down the ramp for him.

●       Instead of getting aggravated, he adapts the mindset that there will be another bus coming.

●       However, when he finds legitimate faults, he calmly speaks up about them.

●       There are always ways to work around obstacles. Work your mind into thinking about how you can overcome and adapt to them.

[19:38] Having the Right Attitude

●       Isaac has been overcoming his disability from day one. So, the right attitude toward challenges has been ingrained in his mind.

●       He subconsciously thinks ahead to overcome and adapt to difficulties so that he’s prepared in advance.

Isaac: “There’s probably a hundred different ways to get to the same point. It’s just finding the right direction.”

[21:57] Being Free in Mind

●       Isaac’s condition made him more proactive in doing things.

●       His drive comes from wanting to show people that he can do many things despite his medical condition.

●       With the right mindset and a positive outlook, anything is possible.

[24:03] Questioning His Disability

●       Isaac never really questioned his disability since he grew up not feeling that much different from others.

●       He never had the urge to talk about his disability since he only wanted to show people his everyday life.

●       When he started doing inspirational talks, Isaac realized that others felt inspired by his story.

●       By putting himself out there, he can inspire people to be the best versions they can be.

[26:50] A Message to the Naysayers

●       Growing up, Isaac tended to listen to the negative things people tell him.

●       However, he realized that he should not pay much attention to people who care little about him.

●       People are always going to say things because of jealousy. It’s important to keep your focus and keep on doing good.

[26:50] What It Feels to be Restricted by Disability

●       Isaac admits that having to rely on others to do some things can be very frustrating. Feeling frustrated or annoyed is part of being human.

●       However, he is grateful to have people who, for the most part, are always willing to help whenever possible.

●       Being disabled has a lot of restrictions and disadvantages, but the pros outweigh the cons.

●       His need to rely on others has made him closer to these people. He feels more connected with them.

[33:10] Isaac’s Defining Moment in Life

●       Isaac has always wanted to be in a relationship, but this is a challenge for disabled individuals.

●       He was too focused on thinking that being in a relationship would make him happy. When he got a girlfriend, however, he became unhappy and selfish.

●       Around 2019, he took a step back and re-explored his definition of true happiness. He started doing meditation, breathing exercises, and looking at things from new perspectives.

●       Isaac was able to understand life and look at it more positively. Going with the flow of life, Isaac believes that he will be happy whatever happens.

●       Sometimes, you have to go into the deep end to really understand what is wrong and how to get better.

Isaac: “Life’s not easy. But that’s the challenge of life. And if you overcome it, you feel much happier.”

[38:20] Takeaways from Isaac

●       Isaac feels that he is an example of making the most out of life and what people can achieve even with limitations.

●       He does not let other people’s assumptions get to him, and he is happy with where he is now.

●       Isaac shares an experience where he proved people wrong in the full episode.

About Isaac

Isaac Harvey is a freelance videographer, motivational speaker, and inspirational figure. He was born with a disability called limb/pelvis-hypoplasia/aplasia syndrome. Because of his condition, he had to live with the help of support assistants. 

However, Isaac’s disability never let him stop aiming high. In 2017, he was dubbed as London’s best vlogger during a vlogging challenge where he won against 1500 other young vloggers in London. He has won multiple awards and gotten television and newspaper features for his videos.

In addition to his creative work, Isaac also serves as an inspiration to both disabled and non-disabled individuals. He acts as an ambassador for charities and presents motivational talks on many occasions.

He is also the president of Wheels and Wheelchairs, a nonprofit organization for roller skaters and wheelchair users. 

If you are looking to connect with Isaac, you may reach him through his LinkedIn or Instagram. Don’t forget to check out Wheels and Wheelchairs as well!

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