53. How To Activate Your Dreams In Life And Live Out Your Purpose With Raven Harris

Having dreams is something innate within us. But often, they end before we even get to start working towards them. It begins with a tiny bit of self-doubt that turns into constant negative chatter. Ultimately, it makes us put off our dreams in life as we deem them unattainable.

Later on, we wonder why we don't feel fulfillment in our lives. Remember: Only once you've activated your dreams in life can you truly live out your purpose.

In this episode, Raven M. Harris joins us to discuss activating our dreams in life. She discusses what led her to realize her purpose as a Dream Activator. By helping people go after their dreams in life, Raven fills her cup and fulfills her purpose. Our Dream Activator also takes us through the experience of pursuing entrepreneurial life after building an employee career for herself.

Tune in to the episode to learn how you can start living your dreams in life today!

3 reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Learn the dangers of projecting a limiting belief onto young minds.

  2. Discover the experience of pursuing a path different from the career you've built.

  3. Find out how to activate your dreams in life.


●       Connect with Raven: Website | LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram

●       Reset with Raven Podcast

●       Clubhouse

Episode Highlights

[2:27] Who is Raven?

●       Raven has always had massive dreams. But life, obstacles, self-doubt, and rejection threw her off track.

●       2020 served as her wake-up call to make her decisions align with her values and pursue her dream.

●       She calls herself the "Dream Activator." She helps other people activate their dreams in life.

[3:58] Suppressing Her Dreams in Life

●       Raven loved theater and performing when she was younger. It gave her space to express herself.

●       She did all types of community theater and competed in various contests.

●       It became Raven's dream to become a child actress.

●       But a lack of connections and exposure, rejections, and outside forces hindered her journey.

●       The negative chatter became internal for Raven. It made her give up on her dream.

[5:44] Continuing Acting

●       She's not doing any acting now, but she started getting back into it in graduate school.

●       Doing community theater is on her radar as things open back up.

[6:47] Projecting Limiting Beliefs and Producing Negative Chatter

●       People can project their own limited beliefs onto others.

●       Raven came from a poor rural town in Southwest Georgia with limited education.

●       An environment with limited thinking, negativity, and poverty can seep inside you.

●       Not having positive influences and exposure when you're younger can affect your mindset and what you believe is possible.

Raven: "When people can't see beyond what they've been exposed to, or this is all they know, the thinking is limited. So, it's like, 'Well, who are you to go outside of the box? Who are you? Nope, nope. We don't know anyone else that has done this.'"

[9:53] Doing What Gives Her Purpose

●       People often do jobs they dislike or are just going through the motions because they're not doing things they find purposeful.

●       Raven realized that helping other people arrive at their dreams is what fills her cup.

●       Often, we get pulled into a problem that upsets us. It triggers our desire to be the change we want to see.

●       Raven is currently partnering with colleges to help young adults succeed, excel, explore, and feel supported.

●       She wants to help build students' foundations while in the college atmosphere.

Raven: "When you're doing what you were born to do, when you're doing something that is in alignment with your purpose, you can't help but excel. You can't help but feel an energy, a rush, when you're doing great things."

[13:32] What Young Adults Lack in Finding Their Purpose

●       Young adults often lack guidance.

●       Invisibility also is a prominent issue with minority students. There is a lack of faith in themselves.

●       Raven's role is to stand in the gap for individuals with disrupted dreams.

●       Life has its hills and valleys. College students must put their best foot forward.

Raven: "There are so many forces working against you; don't be one of them. Don't work against yourself."

[15:32] Raven's Purpose

●       Her purpose is to stand in the gap for people who have lost hope and feel forgotten.

●       Her superpower is seeing the greatness in people.

●       We sometimes lose our faith in ourselves when facing adversities and setbacks. Raven is the person who reminds you how great you are during those moments.

●       It's good to have unwavering faith. But we're not always at our best.

[17:53] Pursuing a Path Different from the Career You've Built

●       Raven previously worked in a critical illness recovery hospital. Working around terminal patients amidst a pandemic showed her the reality of how short life is.

●       She felt a now-or-never moment. She realized she wasn't living her purpose.

●       Raven's 50-50 phase: She had 50% faith she needed to leave. The other 50% was her fear of quitting her job without having the next one in line.

●       She had an identity crisis while figuring out what was next for her. She didn't know who she was outside the healthcare career she built over the last ten years.

●       Eventually, she realized she didn't lose her identity. It was only a chapter in her life, and it was time to open another one.

[22:17] From Employee to Entrepreneur

●       Raven feels no regrets about her decision.

●       Raven has received more job opportunities since her career transition. She's able to easily say no, knowing she's anchored on her path.

●       Working for a major Fortune 100 company versus being the face of your brand is different in terms of confidence level. Rejection feels personal in the latter.

●       There are lots of growing pains from an emotional, mindset, and financial standpoint in the transition.

●       More than anything, she realized the importance of having a community and network to lean on.

[27:11] On Dreams and Dreaming

●       One of Raven's many dreams is to create a biannual holistic reset retreat. It's where people can calm their minds and think about their health.

●       People don't need to dream something different; it's already there within us.

●       Instead, we need to activate and go after our dreams.

●       Life leaves clues about our dreams if we're paying attention.

●       Often, we dream and think small. We need to think about how we can execute our dream at the highest level possible.

[29:38] How to Activate Your Dreams In Life

●       Make a list of all the things you enjoy and don't enjoy. Don't judge either side.

●       Revisit your list after two weeks and look if you see any patterns.

●       We all have things we are drawn naturally to. We also have gifts that we take for granted.

[32:37] A Defining Lightbulb Moment

●       Raven got a text from a friend at 2 am about three weeks ago.

●       She told Raven how Raven helped her discover her purpose and get clear on it.

●       It's the moment when Raven realized seeing the greatness of people is her gift and talent.

About Raven

Raven M. Harris is a coach, mentor, speaker, consultant, and CEO of Activate the Dream, LLC. She utilizes her 15+ years of senior leadership in healthcare and hospitality to enhance the client experience. She cultivated strong expertise in navigating high-pressure and intense environments, change management, and personal leadership.

Activate the Dream's coaching model helps people develop a personalized strategy for executing at a higher level. Raven works with companies and schools to improve performance and increase engagement. She provides solutions for individuals and organizations through her coaching, seminars, consulting, and courses.

If you want to reach out to Raven, you can contact her through LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Don't forget to visit Activate the Dream!

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