32. Overcoming Childhood Trauma with Dr. Raj Setthuraju

When I reflect back on the podcast, today's episode is the most honest, emotional, and raw conversation I have ever had with a guest. Today we are going to tackle the difficult conversation of the trauma caused by those that suffer sexual abuse as a child. I’m joined today by Dr. Raj who is a professor of Criminal Justice at Metropolitan State University, nationally known for his work on bias, a victim of sexual abuse as a child, and a dear friend.

Raj shares his experiences as a victim of sexual abuse as a child which led to a suicide attempt. But you will hear his recovery, transformation, how he now forgives his abuser, and how this life-changing experience has inspired his work in criminal justice.

Suicide Prevention Hotline: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/


33. Following God’s Calling with Dr. Sammy Wanyonyi


31. Inspiring Women Through Prison Ministries With Shug Bury