31. Inspiring Women Through Prison Ministries With Shug Bury

There are over 2.2 million people incarcerated in the United States alone. When these people finish serving their sentence, over 75% will re-offend within five years. Are some people just inherently bad and dangerous? No, our guest reminds us that we are all children of God who deserve a second chance.

When we give opportunities to the incarcerated, we can turn reoffend rates from 75% to as low as 8%. But we must first provide them with the proper mentoring. Prison ministries offer just the right programs and training sessions to help end this cycle of crime.

In this episode, Shug Bury shares her advocacy to help women live victoriously through HIM4Her Ministries. She shares that incarcerated people often get judged and turned away from opportunities like housing and employment, leading them to a vicious cycle of hardship and criminality. We can stop this from happening by becoming more compassionate and following God’s example. 

Tune in to the episode to learn what it’s like to help and minister to the incarcerated!

3 reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Learn why the incarcerated often re-offend and end up back in prison.

  2. Discover HIM4Her Ministries’ initiatives to help women everywhere, especially those in prison.

  3. Understand how we can help the incarcerated and become more compassionate to one another.


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●       Other Who I Became Podcast Episodes:

○       How I Transformed My Life From A Suicidal Drug Addict with Gary Robinson

○       Formerly Incarcerated to Civil Liberties Strategist with Lewis Conway Jr: Part 1 and Part 2 

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Episode Highlights

[2:14] How HIM4Her Ministries Started

●       Shug has been working in prison ministries for over 20 years.

●       She observed that so many incarcerated get out of prison, change their lives, but eventually return.

●       Over 75% of the incarcerated will re-offend within five years. But this number can drop to as low as 8% with proper mentoring.

●       HIM4Her Ministries’ initiatives were borne from the needs of the community. Their initiatives include radio shows, speaking engagements, prison ministry, mentoring, and housing.

●       Tune in to the full episode to hear how and why HIM4Her Ministries’ initiatives are brought to life!

[5:24] Shug’s Journey Into Prison Ministries

●       Shug shares that before prison ministry, she was already mentoring other churches and helping with outreach programs.

●       Through this outreach, she went to preach and improve a ministry inside a prison.

●       She shares that before meeting the prisoners, she was scared, judgmental, and complaining.

●       She had to reevaluate her life and found that God was always in control. Listen to the full episode to hear how Shug felt God's hand leading her to prison ministries.

●       The moment she stepped inside the prison, she knew she loved the women there and needed to share God’s love with them.

[9:27] The Importance Of Second Chances

●       When people commit crimes, they need to serve the time. However, people don’t give them an opportunity when they get out.

●       Even people from church would judge, fear, and not welcome them into their communities.

●       These reasons are why the prison ministry is critical for inmates. It helps support the incarcerated and gives them opportunities to rebuild.

Shug: “You do the crime, do your time. But the injustice comes in once somebody is released. Society holds them to another sentence, where we're not giving them an opportunity for jobs, for housing, and for second chances. We're looking at them from their past and not looking at what they can be in this new future.”

[11:12] Why People Get Incarcerated

●       People end up in prison for many reasons, including poverty, drugs, and crimes of passion.

●       Incarceration can also be generational. Some people have grown up with crime, so the vicious cycle perpetuates.

●       Criminogenic thinking also leads people to prisons. This mode of thinking is a mindset where someone feels trapped and can only survive by committing crimes.

●       Helping people is not only about rehabilitation. It’s also about education and opportunities.

[15:03] Mentoring in HIM4Her Ministries

●       Anyone can be a mentor in the HIM4Her Ministries. The program trains and teaches mentors to become capable.

●       Before an inmate's release, the prison ministry communicates with those who applied to the program. And once they're approved, they get a one-on-one mentor.

●       The program also consults with lawyers, doctors, therapists, and people who help the incarcerated look for housing and jobs.

●       The mentorship training includes de-escalation, what questions you can and cannot ask an inmate, suicidal tendencies mentorship, and more. These training sessions help mentors feel safe.

●       The prison ministry aims to give the incarcerated opportunities, including a scholarship program to help those who want to further their education.

[17:35] What Stops People From Reoffending

●       Even when people seem to be doing well right after they get out of prison, their old thinking patterns and ways may come back.

●       The mentors are there to help hold them accountable for their actions but also encourage and support them.

●       Shug shares that even people who have one of the worst records can turn their life around. She shares the story of one of their mentees' in the full episode.

●       Through prison ministries’ programs like HIM4Her Ministries', mentees can rebuild their lives and end the criminal cycle.

[21:34] What Shug Has Learned From Prison Ministries

●       Shug shares that prison ministries taught her to not be judgmental; we are all just one wrong decision away from prison.

●       She now strives to see people the way Christ does and uses her God-given gifts to help others.

●       When people lose their support system, they may turn to gangs for support or love.

●       These people will tend to look for love through others who will accept them. So, society needs to become more compassionate.

●       We must also remember that the prison system doesn't work. So, we need to shift our mindset into thinking about how we can help other people.

Shug: “When you take your eyes off yourself and you put your eyes on others, your life changes.”

[26:51] What Made Prison Ministries Successful

●       Shug shares several success stories in the full episode, where women have changed completely.

●       The ministry anchors on helping people become successful and safe and helping them find a dream. Even one person showing support can help the downtrodden and seemingly hopeless toward the path to success.

●       The organization takes a holistic approach toward providing for women's needs. It helps women understand their finances and the journey they want to take.

[30:39] How Radio And Podcasts Serve Prison Ministries And Others

●       Shug bases her radio and podcasts on women's struggles.

●       They bring experts to discuss various topics, including adultery, suicide, government, humor, and communication.

[33:47] What Inspires Shug and How She Wants to be Remembered

●       God’s word consistently inspires Shug.

●       By joining a Bible Study Fellowship, she turned her life to God. She believes that God has sent her to the darkest corners of the world.

●       Shug wants people to remember her as someone who loved Jesus. God put Shug on this Earth because He has a plan for her.

●       God has a plan for all of us. We need to learn to let him lead the way.

●       When we surrender to God, opportunities and blessings will naturally come. 

Simon: “Surrender is the path to freedom in life.”

[37:28] How To Help HIM4Her Ministries

●       You can help HIM4Her Ministries through donations, sending topic ideas, praying for the program, and volunteering for mentorship or housing opportunities.

About Shug

Shug Bury is the founder and President of HIM4Her Ministries, a nonprofit organization aiming to empower women of all walks of life to rise in Jesus Christ and equip them to live victoriously. The Ministry's initiatives include radio, speaking engagements, prison ministry, mentoring, and housing.

Shug's ministry has taken her to some of the most spiritually troubled corners of the globe, yet she continues to spread the Gospel and help others. Through HIM4Her Ministries, she inspires women to heal and find redemption beyond the walls of a prison.

You can learn more about HIM4Her Ministries on their website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn and email (info@him4her.org),

Connect with Shug on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.      

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32. Overcoming Childhood Trauma with Dr. Raj Setthuraju


30. Formerly Incarcerated To Civil Liberties Strategist, PART 2 with Lewis Conway Jr.