41. The Ultimate Formula To YouTube Success with Amanda Horvath

Content creation is now bigger than ever. It is no longer just something people do for fun; it's grown to be a proven strategy for growing brands and businesses. As such, it's no surprise that everyone wants to be an influencer or a YouTuber these days. Still, it's not a trend you can jump on without a plan. If you want to know how to be a successful YouTube content creator, you have to put in time and effort.

In this episode, Amanda Horvath shares her video and content creator journey. She opens up about the incident that prompted her to change paths and pursue her passion. Amanda then imparts some secrets and tips to navigating how to be a successful YouTube content creator and how to deal with the audience. She believes that we should get off the hamster wheel of trading time for money and start living the life we truly want.

Tune in to the episode to learn how to be a successful YouTube content creator and establish your brand.

3 reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Discover why today is the best time to start working on fulfilling your dreams.

  2. Find out the importance of consistency in success.

  3. Navigate how to be a successful YouTube content creator and deal with your audience.


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●       Connect with Amanda: Website | YouTube | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn

●       Check out the DIY Video Roadmap here!

●       Get Amanda’s ready-to-use package templates here!

●       Rich Dad’s CASHFLOW Quadrant: Rich Dad’s Guide to Financial Freedom by Robert Kiyosaki

Episode Highlights

[3:27] How Amanda Got into Videography

●       Amanda started videography in high school and eventually went to film school. However, she quickly realized that film was not her ideal career.

●       She ran a video marketing business for six years, where she helped business owners create marketing videos.

●       During that time, she got curious why people paid her thousands of dollars to create simple videos. That's because they don't have the information they need.

●       So, she developed the DIY Video Roadmap to help people use videos to become thought leaders within their niche.

[5:23] Becoming a Content Creator

●       Amanda has always been a lifestyle entrepreneur.

●       As a service-based business owner, she found it draining to work one-on-one with clients.

●       After learning about online marketing, she pursued a business model that would achieve the freedom she’s after.

 [6:49] Going All-In as a Video Strategist

●       She realized that people would not take her as a video strategist seriously if she kept making videos for others.

●       So, in April 2019, she passed her client book to her subcontractor and started working on her online course.

●       While working with a big influencer, she realized she didn’t want to be their video person; she wanted to be them.

●       Hitting the top of that ladder in the industry made it easier for her to step away and face what’s next.

[10:01] What Changed Amanda’s Path

●       Her ex-boyfriend passed away on her birthday the year before she started her YouTube channel. It was around a year after their breakup.

●       Each person deals with grief differently. For Amanda, it was a wake-up call to fulfill her dreams.

●       Amanda has wanted to start a YouTube channel for the past two years before her ex-boyfriend’s passing. She finally made it happen in 2018.

●       She spent the first half of the year learning everything about how to be a successful YouTube content creator.

●       The combination of everything that happened in 2017 propelled Amanda into the next phase of her life.

Amanda: “We don’t have forever to spend going after our dreams. If we’re going to make things happen, we need to make things happen today.”

[14:41] The Importance of Consistency

●       Videos served as a spiritual teacher for Amanda.

●       Deciding to stay consistent has allowed her to gain more confidence and open up her limiting beliefs.

●       Consistency is saying you’re going to do something and making it happen.

●       She consistently posted videos every Tuesday, which she considers part of how to be a successful YouTube content creator.

●       For Amanda, all you need are simple videos. You don’t have to create grand content every week, because then you wouldn’t be able to stay consistent.

[18:03] Being Vulnerable to Your Audience

●       You don’t need to show everything to everyone. YouTube is all about providing value.

●       Amanda says that lifestyle vlog content sounds excellent from an ego standpoint.

●       But the talking head educational content is more sustainable in execution. It also allows her to have a private life outside of YouTube.

●       Instagram is the bigger platform for her to let people into her everyday life.

[20:29] Living with the “YouTuber” Title

●       Amanda doesn’t lead with the YouTube front.

●       Her channel has seen massive growth since COVID hit: her subscriber count shot up from 4,400 to a whopping 35,000.

●       She didn’t have as much opportunity to own the YouTuber title pre-COVID. But now, she can open up and play around with it a little more.

●       Often, creators use YouTube as a marketing strategy for business. As a course creator, clients come to Amanda through YouTube.

[24:03] The Impact of Content

●       Amanda’s top video is about how to use a teleprompter. It became a hit eight months after it was published.

●       Ground yourself and ensure that you’re not wrapping your ego around what other people say about you. All you can do is put in the effort and trust that the right people will come.

●       A ripple effect happens every time you sit in front of the camera. You impact more people’s lives who, in turn, affect others.

●       The effort you put at the beginning should be the same effort you put in when your audience grows to thousands.

●       Don’t judge your content’s value based on vanity metrics. Instead, listen to how you were able to impact others’ lives.

[29:30] Dealing with Negativity

●       If your content doesn’t resonate with a person and they’re threatening to leave, let them go.

●       It’s a balancing act. You need to distinguish comments negatively impacting you from genuinely interested viewers who want more of your help.

●       Listen to the full episode to hear more of Amanda’s nuggets of wisdom on dealing with negativity!

Amanda: “Don’t let the people in the stands judge you when you’re in the arena.”

[32:35] Getting off the Hamster Wheel

●       Amanda was in networking in high school. It wasn’t the best method to make money, but she learned a lot about passive income and pipeline income principles.

●       In Robert Kiyosaki's cash flow quadrant, employees and self-employed business owners are on the left side. They comprise 95% of the population, yet they only have 5% of all wealth.

●       Meanwhile, franchise business owners and investors are on the right side. They own 95% of all wealth, even though they only comprise 5% of the population.

●       Getting off the hamster wheel of trading time for money will help us cross over to the right side.

●       Passive income sources allow us to better utilize our skills, gifts, and time without burning out.

[36:25] What Amanda Wants People to Remember About Her

●       Amanda wants people to see her as someone who has followed her inspiration and impacted peoples' lives without compromising her values and beliefs.

●       She wants to make videos accessible to the masses and help share others' messages with the world.

Amanda: “The more voices that pop into the main stage, the more the world is going to begin to change.”

[38:16] How to Be a Successful YouTube Content Creator

●       Learn the YouTube algorithm. Take courses on YouTube; don’t go about it blindly.

●       Stay consistent, learn from feedback, and continue your path.

[40:10] What’s Next for Amanda

●       Amanda aims to continue evolving her YouTube channel, her content, and audience.

●       She wants to do this even though the YouTube algorithm favors creators who stick to the content they are known for.

About Amanda

Amanda Horvath is a content and course creator, video strategist, personal brand coach, and YouTuber. She helps entrepreneurs leverage the power of video in their business without taking up tons of time or breaking the bank. Amanda has worked with numerous top influencers and business owners in successfully establishing their brand. After studying how to be a successful YouTube content creator, she accumulated thousands of subscribers and views over time.

If you want to reach out to Amanda and learn how to be a successful YouTube content creator, you can visit her website, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Don’t forget to subscribe to her YouTube channel.

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