55. From Professional Soccer Player to Pastor in Church: Transforming Struggle Into Hope with Jesse Bradley

What do you do when you wake up one day and find out that you’re stripped of the career you’ve always wanted? No one is ever prepared for a tragedy of this scale. However, a major fallback can set you up for even greater things if you let hope trickle in. It may feel like the end of the world at first. But there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

In this episode, Jesse Bradley tells us how he transformed his struggles into a new purpose. A medical mishap caused his professional soccer career abruptly, leading him to dive deep into his faith. Now, he is a pastor in church. He shares his healing and self-discovery journey anchored in faith and how he used his vulnerability to bring light and hope to others. He also talks about how his past hurts fueled his passion to serve as a pastor in church.

Tune in to the episode to discover Jesse’s journey and refuel the hope that lies within you!

Three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Learn the value of vulnerability in transformation and success.

  2. Discover how to find hope and rebuild your life amid struggles.

  3. Get inspired by Jesse’s journey of healing and self-discovery with faith.


●       Start your podcasting journey with Simon. Check out his website to learn how you can collaborate with him.

●       Connect with Jesse: Website | Instagram | Twitter

Episode Highlights

[4:27] Jesse’s Journey to Becoming a Pastor in Church

●       Jesse is a pastor of the Grace Community Church in Seattle. Being a pastor in church is his way of serving others.

●       Growing up not believing in God, he neither expected to be a Christian nor a pastor in church.

●       But he believes that the greatest things you experience are not what you planned.

●       Jesse found a passion for serving other people, spreading hope, and building a community. He gets to help a variety of people through his work.

[7:14] Jesse’s Soccer Career

●       He grew up in Minnesota, where his family lived beside a football stadium.

●       He discovered soccer at age 7 when his parents divorced. The void it created drove him toward academics and athletics.

●       In sports, he was able to see himself grow, learn, and improve. For Jesse, it was also his escape from his pain.

●       He started playing basketball, but eventually switched to soccer as a goalkeeper. He credits his college coach for giving him opportunities to grow in the sport.

●       Tune in to the full episode to hear more about Jesse’s sports career!

[11:53] Soccer Culture in America

●       Minnesota had professional teams for soccer, both indoor and outdoor.

●       Indoor soccer is an attempted compromise for scoring more goals and collisions because that’s what Americans prefer.

●       America is not fully immersed or exposed to soccer and its culture. But from a global perspective, the sport is supported and loved phenomenally.

●       With the lack of exposure and great coaching, America struggles to form a world-class team.

[15:37] The Pivot in Jesse’s Career

●       Jesse had a near-death experience during his career in Africa when he took malaria pills. At that point, he lost his professional soccer career due to his health condition.

●       It was a tragic and painful time for him, taking him 10 years to fully recover. However, Jesse viewed it as the defining time of his life.

●       When he lost his soccer career, he felt like he lost his identity and started questioning who he was.

Jesse: “I can easily focus on what I lost. But how much healthier (is it) to be thankful and each day, be grateful for what I still have?”

●       He turned to God and realized that he may have lost a lot, but not God’s love for him. This was when he realized it was time to cultivate his relationship with God.

●       Jesse shares this humbling experience in-depth in the full episode.

[18:56] Becoming a Pastor in Church

●       Jesse reiterates how he never thought he’d become a pastor in church. His family was involved in multiple faiths and beliefs, yet he rejected them all.

●       When he got to Dartmouth, he took a class on world religions, where he read the Bible for the first time.

●       Jesse contemplated Jesus' validity as the Lord, but grace changed his views. He realized how faith is a relationship.

●       Eventually, he grew in his faith and saw religious counsel as his future after soccer.

[22:44] Being a Christian and an Athlete

●       Despite growing up non-Christian, Jesse shad known God.

●       But it was when he encountered the most difficult challenge in his life that he realized it was time to go deep into his faith.

●       Athletes have a platform. As a soccer player, Jesse was also able to share his story and faith with others. But he never expected that he would become a pastor in church.

●       When soccer was eliminated in his life, he found the desire to take the next step with his faith, which was something he was passionate about.

●       Jesse advises people to just take the next step in their journey and watch what happens if they move in that direction.

[26:41] Jesse’s Mindset for Success

●       Jesse shifted his mind from always putting his best foot forward to letting people into his weakness, pain, and disappointment. He wants to show both what’s outside and inside.

●       Authenticity is important in relationships. Jesse used to think that God was only interested in his success, but he contemplated how God viewed him in times of defeat.

Jesse: “The fullness of life is when you can celebrate things but also receive help, be transparent, be vulnerable, be honest.”

●       Jesse embraces his real self, which includes his vulnerable side. And this is how he can touch other lives.

●       When you come from a place of vulnerability and authenticity, you see incredible things happen.

●       It’s necessary to develop your talents and your strengths. But equally crucial is letting people in and being real about your hurt, and what your healing journey has been like.

[31:46] Being Open About and Dealing With Struggles

Simon: “I think, for us humans, it’s also very challenging to really be open and admit when we’re struggling. But that is when the greatest transformations happen.”

●       We have to get raw sometimes and let our walls down. Authenticity brings connection.

●       Jesse explains the power of the second thought. The first thought is usually impulsive and something out of your control.

●       But you can choose not to entertain it. Instead, replace it, and choose your second thought more intentionally.

●       When you win these victories in your head, you’ll experience a renewing of the mind and it's going to play out in every area of your life.

●       You can turn struggles around with habit and discipline. It allows you to create space for what’s most life-giving.

[35:58] Jesse’s Biggest Self-Discovery

●       The speed of how life passes still surprises Jesse. So he lives with a sense of urgency—he pours his whole self into what he does.

●       Jesse encourages people to find something meaningful for them. For him, having a relationship with God is fulfilling.

●       Your greatest passions will come out of your pain. Being a child of divorce, Jesse adopted children because he wants all kids to have a family.

●       Jesse does not want to be constrained in a religious bubble. He encourages people to break out of some cultural norms to build relationships.

●       With the right mindset and reliance on the Lord, He can do immeasurably more than you can ask, think, or imagine.

About the Guest

Jesse Bradley is a pastor, author, writer, host, and motivational speaker. He is also a former professional soccer player who has traveled to America, Scotland, and Africa for the sport. While playing in Africa, he took prescribed malaria tablets and experienced adverse side effects. This ended his career and pushed him to rebuild his life. It took 10 years for him to recover, but the wisdom he gained while recovering led him to a new path of becoming a pastor in church.

If you want to learn more about Jesse, visit his website. You can also find him on Twitter and Instagram.

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Jesse’s Website: https://jessebradley.org/

Jessie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessejbradley/?hl=en

Jessie on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jessejbradley?lang=en


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