59. Making It For Another Day: Overcoming a Hard-Hitting Life With Neena Perez

Adversity is something we all experience, no matter our status and privilege in life. But sometimes, it can come to a point when these adversities stack on top of each other like endless stumbling blocks. It puts you into a box of self-doubt and a victim mentality. You start questioning why it happens to you out of all people. But while it's not easy, it's possible to rise above a hard-hitting life. It starts with giving yourself the freedom to make it for another day, one step at a time.

In this episode, Neena Perez joins us to share her journey of overcoming childhood trauma, self-doubt, and victim mentality. She talks about the experience that pivoted her mindset shift and how she overcame adversities along the way. She opens up about the near-death situation she experienced from her ex-boyfriend pulling the trigger on her head. Finally, Neena imparts life-changing wisdom about the value of life, mindset, and freedom.

Tune in to the episode to discover why and how you can make it for another day!

3 reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Find out how you can free yourself from self-doubt and the victim mentality.

  2. Discover the power of openness in finding freedom.

  3. Understand the meaning of “making it for another day.”


●       Start your podcasting journey with Simon. Check out his website to learn how you can collaborate with him. 

●       Connect with Neena: Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn

●       Straight Talk No Sugar Added

●       Hit Me with Your Best Shot! by Neena Perez

●       Straight Talk No Sugar Added Podcast Ep. 106: Adversity is Your Greatest Gift With Simon Osamoh

Episode Highlights

[3:01] Hit Me With Your Best Shot

●       Writing the book was Neena’s way of facing and overcoming the traumas that happened in her life.

●       Her victim mindset made it hard for her to fulfill what God was calling her to do.

●       Hit Me With Your Best Shot is a story about abuse, molestation, teen pregnancy, and domestic violence.

●       It talks about finding faith and overcoming life when it hits you hard.

●       Writing the book was cathartic for Neena. But she realized the story is not about her anymore; it’s now a way to impact other people’s lives.

[5:01] Wearing Many Hats

●       She is currently working on a new book.

●       Neena is a mindflow and neurolinguistic (NLP) practitioner. She primarily helps women aged 35 and older to gain emotional freedom.

●       She is an Executive Chef by trade and a Director of Culinary Operation.

[6:28] Changing Her Mindset

●       Her mindset started changing within the last 15 years.

●       Neena has always been a go-getter.

●       Self-development and faith started becoming a part of her life in the last 10 to 15 years.

●       Finding her faith woke her up that there is more to life than day-to-day existence. She started to get into neuro linguistic programming.

Neena: “If I'm going to be here, I'm going to try to change as many lives as I can on the way, even if it's just one. If I can impact that one person, and that life changes, I know that life changing changes another life and then changes another life.”

[8:30] The Pivot for Changing Her Mindset

●       Neena used to work as a medical assistant and ultrasound technician. She couldn't understand why she was struggling and was unhappy with the job.

●       One day, she talked to God about feeling depressed and anxious. While praying, she felt God was calling her to go back to school to be a chef.

●       She suddenly had visions. But she wanted God to give her a physical sign to get released from her job.

●       About 35 to 45 minutes later, her husband comes home from work. He was listening to worship in the car and felt that he had to tell Neena she's "released."

●       She quit her job the next day and went back to school.

[10:43] Facing Adversity in Her Journey

●       2008 was a rough year. Neena had a temper tantrum with God because they lost everything after embarking on her journey.

●       She heard almost an inaudible voice saying, “I told you to be obedient. I never said it would be easy.”

●       She became valedictorian of her school and got her bachelor’s degree.

●       Neena did everything she could to show the Lord, her faith, and her family that we can do all things.

Simon: “What we often look for is we're looking for miracles, which is the Lord Himself. But if you’re lucky, sometimes there's people that come into your life—and whether you believe into the higher power, whether you believe in God, or some other type of spirituality—it’s generally in another person where you will see that sort of where does God deliver himself into a different self and another person.”

[13:08] Neena’s Source of Self-Doubt and Victim Mentality

●       Neena’s birth was a result of an affair. Her father denied her at birth.

●       Her stepfather molested her as a child. This trauma puts her in shame and makes you feel unworthy.

●       Not protecting children and being unable to help them deal with trauma results in a self-doubtful adult.

●       She had to dig deep to deal with her trauma. Changing her mindset helped her overcome them and rediscover her life’s value.

[15:49] Where Her Openness Come from

●       She pursues things even when she’s afraid.

●       Her family was upset when she released her book because it aired a lot of dirty linen.

●       There is freedom in truth.

Neena: “Even though there is fear that also comes with the truth and there's judgment and there's all of that that comes with it—I'd rather be free.”

●       Neena is the type of person to challenge things.

●       Airing out stuff frees you from the baggage of having someone or something having authority over you.

[17:30] Making it for Another Day

●       Neena was previously suicidal. Looking back on those days, she realized she made it through another day.

●       Her son’s father once put a gun to her head and pulled the trigger. She felt it was God’s doing that it got jammed and didn’t go off.

●       The present time is the only moment we’re promised.

●       Don’t be discouraged and think you can’t make it through. You can make it through everything one day at a time.

[19:30] Experiencing a Near-Death Situation

●       The first thing that came to Neena’s mind when her ex-boyfriend pulled the trigger was to save her son.

●       Her initial thought was that her baby cannot die in that monster’s hands. She sent her son downstairs to her mother’s house.

●       The debilitating fear of that moment froze Neena. She couldn't do anything but plead for her life.

●       That experience was the scariest moment of her entire life. It was a crippling fear that resulted in almost 30 years of insomnia.

[21:44] Coping with Trauma in Her Life

●       Neena did ask God why adversities kept happening to her. She realized her story was not for her but for other people to gain permission to be free.

●       As a believer, she knows that God sacrificed way more than she had to.

[23:24] Neena’s Biggest Self-Discovery

●       The favorite thing she has learned through her self-discovery is that she's a powerful badass.

●       She has many gems that can help impact somebody’s life.

●       She loves her authentically true self.

[24:35] Straight Up No Added Sugar

●       Straight Up No Added Sugar is a podcast born out of Neena’s desire for authentic conversations with people who have a story.

●       We are inundated with information, but we starve for wisdom.

●       Her goal with the podcast is to share stories that can impact somebody else’s life.

About Neena

Neena Perez is a mindflow and NLP Master practitioner. She leads mission-driven professionals and entrepreneurs to master their GAME (goals, accountability, mindflow, and energy). Neena is the host of the podcast Straight Talk No Sugar Added, where she shares raw and honest conversations. She also authored her autobiography entitled Hit Me with Your Best Shot to share how she has overcome challenges in her life.

Alongside being a coach, Neena is also a Director of Culinary Operations and an Experienced Executive Chef. She has a long history of working in restaurants and the nonprofit institution industry.

If you want to reach out to Neena, you can contact her through Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. You can also visit the Straight Talk No Sugar Added’s website.

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