2. Carl Chinn’s Journey to Becoming a Family Man and Church Security Systems Expert

Most of us don't think of a church as a dangerous place. However, no place is immune to outside threats; stores get robbed, and even schools deal with shooters. A church will face its share of attackers as well. To ensure our community's well-being, we all need to reevaluate our security systems and prepare for any attack.

In today's episode, Carl Chinn explains how he left working in agriculture to lead a church security organization. He details how he decided to dedicate his life to God after the birth of his sons. Carl also recalls the bomb threats and security breaches he faced in his lifetime. Most importantly, he shares some practical advice to budding church security ministers.

Find out why Carl advocates so strongly about church security in the full episode!

3 reasons why you should listen to the full episode

  1. Get inspiration from Carl’s transformation from a rebellious teen to a family man of faith.

  2. Hear about Carl’s gripping tales of security breaches.

  3. Understand why church security systems are crucial to the safety of churchgoers.


Episode Highlights

[02:34] Carl’s Journey to Knowing God

  • Carl grew up with a family of devoted Christians. However, he lived his life differently from them.

  • When his wife gave birth to two premature twins, the hospital told them that it would be a long time before they could go home with him and his wife.

  • His mother called him up nine days later, asking him to call the hospital because she believed that God answered their prayers last night.

  • To his surprise, one of Carl's sons was already on the way home with his wife. Meanwhile, they moved the other baby from intensive to intermediate.

  • That was the first time Carl felt that God had an interest in his life.

[10:33] Becoming a Family Man

  • A few months later, one of his friends approached him and told him about his newfound life in Christ. He brought two friends, and they prayed together in Carl's living room.

  • During that prayer, Carl started pondering about his new responsibility as a father.

  • He compared himself to his father, to whom he felt he could never measure up.

  • That night, in May 1979, he decided to give his life to the Lord.

Carl: “It’s not just a phrase. It’s not just a cliché. There comes a time when we give our lives to the Lord.”

  • Now, Carl has many grandchildren, many of which are adopted. He feels that this is a testament to God’s unconditional love.

[20:00] How Carl Became Involved in Church Security

  • After working in the agriculture sector for a long time, Carl decided to accept the offer to work for Focus on the Family as a building engineer.

  • His first brush with church security was when they received bomb threats for the building they were constructing at the time.

  • Three years later, the Oklahoma bombing happened. The management of Focus on the Family asked Carl and his team to conduct a risk vulnerability analysis.

  • The church security established by Carl's team was tested when a hostage-taking incident happened a year after.

  • After surviving that incident, he began pursuing the world of church security and safety.

[26:41] Being Held at Gunpoint

  • At the time, they set up their church security such that team members would know the alert location immediately.

  • Carl got a notification from the button that there might be a security breach on the administration building front desk.

  • He decided to use his watch to time how long it would take to reach the location. It took him 17 seconds. When he arrived, he found himself face to face with a gunman.

  • The gunman was waving the weapon around wildly. When the gunman noticed Carl, he shoved the gun in his face.

  • With the gun to his head, Carl prayed for his family's happiness. He was at peace, despite looking death in the face. 

[35:43] The Second Time Carl’s Church Security Got Breached

  • The director of the security program of New Life Church petitioned for Carl's team to get firearms.

  • However, most of them didn't have a background in law enforcement.

  • A gunman came in, initially killing two girls in the parking lot. He planned to make a stand against the “evil religion” that Carl currently follows.

  • Carl’s team responded to the scene, going towards the sound of the gunfire.

  • A teammate of Carl named Jane was able to blindside the attacker. After the attacker got shot twice, he shot and killed himself.

[39:47] The Aftermath

  • Carl became friends with the father who lost his two daughters during the incident.

  • Although the church security team did some things right, they also recognize that they could have prepared more. 

Carl: “You’ve got to be able to accept the things that you did not do well and help other people to see what could have been better.”

  • To better protect churchgoers, Carl and his team started a ministry focusing on church security.

  • He now conducts security ministry training.

[45:38] Advice to Budding Church Security Ministers

  • Don’t try to do it alone.

  • There are many information resources available to you; tap into as much of it as you can.

  • Hang in there and get encouragement.

Carl: “The best thing I could ever get is thanks for nothing because I don’t want anybody to have to use this stuff.”

[49:28] Carl’s Spiritual Mentors

  • Carl’s Dad, as well as his brothers, were his first mentors.

  • Now, he often goes to his wife, as he finds her clear and unique perspective helpful.

  • He also calls up the chairman of their church board, Sam Friedman, for advice.

  • Carl is still friends with the person who led him towards God.

About Carl

Carl Chinn is a security and safety systems expert who initially started as a building manager for Focus on the Family Ministry. He is part of an association for church security ministers known as the Faith Based Security Network.

Carl is a devoted member of the New Life Church and conducts church security training for other ministers. He has also written a book titled Evil Invades Sanctuary.

If you want to know more about Carl, you may visit his website.

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