13. What Freedom is to the Good Patriot’s Katie

America is often known as the land of the free. It is the country where many seek opportunities and build a better life despite their circumstances. That is one of the reasons why its people love their home country and remain good patriots. Many wars and battles were fought to attain this freedom. Today, many continue to advocate for it.

Amidst the many controversies and issues that have come up in the past years, many feel restricted. Katie is one of those people who continue to fight and advocate for what freedom is. She boldly tackles controversial topics and speaks up in the name of justice and patriotism. In this episode, she shares her story on how she started her journey to becoming the Good Patriot.

Find out why Katie is so passionate about what freedom is and how she advocates for it in the land of the free.

3 reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Learn how to face being female in a male-dominated industry.

  2. Learn to take the bad news with a little bit of humor and light-heartedness.

  3. Find solidarity with Katie as she stands for America and her opinion on what freedom is.


Episode Highlights

[02:26] The Story Behind the Good Patriot

  • Katie’s love for her country and vintage items prompted her to sell rustic American items online.

  • When she got into shooting, her business evolved from these goods to guns.

  • She considers the Good Patriot as a gun account with some political commentary. Katie speaks up when she feels there is a need to speak.

  • The Good Patriot’s purpose is to deliver a message of faith, family, and freedom.

[05:27] Fighting for Katie’s Beliefs on What Freedom Is

  • Katie’s business before the Good Patriot was a successful food business that led to burnout.

  • After journaling, she realized that her priority is fighting to do whatever she wants with her life, regardless of what the government says.

Katie: “My priority was freedom. I didn't want to have obligations that took away my freedom to go to church on Sunday, I didn't want to have a job that had me working on Christmas Eve or whatnot... I just have always had that priority and that desire for real freedom.”

  • She and her husband moved to Texas after 40 years in California. She sacrificed the many people they left behind for her freedom, passion, and right to protect herself.

  • Katie has a warrior spirit. She feels a need to speak up.

[09:47] Having a Big Follower Base

  • Katie was surprised that building a big follower base took so long, especially because she gave unique, educational content.

  • However, she believes that God intended for her following to grow slowly.

  • This turtle crawl allowed her to develop the skills and strengths needed to handle the challenges of having a big account.

[13:58] The Story Behind Katie’s Video Regarding Race

  • One of her videos tackles racism in the face of the Black Lives Matter Movement and issues regarding police violence.

  • Katie believed that the movement and statements did not truly combat racism, and she often left comments with her views.

  • She made the video because people were telling her to apologize for her race. Her video was her way of showing her frustration.

  • Her viewers feel better knowing they’re not alone.

[18:07] Being a Female in a Male-Dominated Industry

  • One time, a range safety officer wanted to make sure Katie didn’t shoot the ceiling. In response, she fired a good shot at a target 25 yards away.

  • As the only woman on an all-men security team, she was often treated as a mascot.

  • Katie didn’t concentrate on these slights. She was content with knowing she was one of the top shooters.

  • Her account started with funny gun skits when she saw that no women were doing this kind of content.

  • Tune in to the episode for more on Katie’s experiences as a woman in a male-dominated industry.

[25:05] On Spreading Her Beliefs

  • News agencies and YouTube videos often tackle heavy subjects in a depressing manner.

  • Katie wants to make these heavy subjects light-hearted. She wants to drive home the seriousness but chooses to give an outlet through humor.

Katie: “It's just important to me that if you're going to deliver bad news, which a lot of it is very bad news right now, at least we're gonna go out laughing.”

[28:04] Behind Katie’s Videos Regarding the Government’s Power

  • Many strong believers in what freedom is were excited about getting free money from the government.

  • To stand by what freedom is, you should first try to help those around you and not feel indebted to the government.

  • Katie’s thoughts and experiences prompted her to make her videos.

  • If you’re for what freedom is, then nothing should sway you from your stance.

[31:04] The Drive to Tackle Controversial Subjects

  • Katie only serves God. She has learned to stop caring about what other people think of her.

  • She's aware of the reality and seriousness of the threats to what freedom is, and she refuses to let these happen.

  • Life is quick compared to eternity. Katie knows where she is going when she dies, and she wants to bring others with her.

  • If she loses her accounts, followers, and viewers, it simply means God has a different plan for her. Katie has won over her fear of losing everything.

  • Using the emails she has gathered, Katie knows she can still share her presence and message even if she is shut down.

Katie: “I just serve an audience of one. I serve God. And it’s not like I grew up like I was born with that attitude. I mean, I'm 42 years old. That's a lot of life, where I've learned to disassociate my worth with what people think of me.”

[35:45] On Gun Control and Freedom

  • Katie believes that any gun control that exists is already too much. They restrict the freedom to defend yourself.

  • Americans’ ability to own guns and arms may be shocking to other countries because they didn’t grow up with it.

  • With gun control restricting the kinds of firearms individuals can own, people can’t defend themselves against those with stronger and better equipment.

About Katie

Katie is known as the Good Patriot and owns social media accounts and businesses under the same name. As the Good Patriot, she celebrates and advocates for all that she loves about America, her home country. Katie is passionate about her faith, freedom, and guns and is not afraid to share her passion with her large following.

She shares items aligned to her love for her country, freedom, and guns through her business. Her social media accounts are well known for her comedic skits and her vocal stance on the Second Amendment and related issues. She aims to provide an outlet for her audience for all things American: faith, family, and freedom.

If you want to learn more about Katie and her work as the Good Patriot, you can sign up for email subscriptions on her website or connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

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14. Refusing To Accept the Unacceptable With Denise Koster


12. Following the Call of the Shepherd and the Self Defense Teacher with John Correia